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Solar Transport

This is a summary overview of the Solar Transport system where the customer wants to combine PV and EV together

  • How to Use This Section
  • Puzzle Pieces
  • Solution Economics

How to Use This Section

This section will allow the customer to assess the impact of combining Solar (PV) with an Electric Vehicle (EV). It builds upon the information from both the PV Only and EV only options. Review PV Only solution…Review EV Only solution…

discuss… sizing PV only for EV, adding local storage to buffer PV and provide limited backup, adding more PV to extend backup, adding more PV for rest of home

Puzzle Pieces

describe the combination of PV with EV for true clean transportation. Build upon PV only and EV only configurations.. incremental options similar, adding increments of local storage and increments of PV.. no new pieces required

Solution Economics

discuss the impact of combining PV and EV economics… many elements additive, PV offsets utilities, EV offsets gasoline costs (and possibly generator)… some synergistic effects, possible use of EV for backup